Glossary of Terms

(G) - This is a Genuine Land Rover Part, supplied in Land Rover Packaging

(O) - This is a part that is manufactured by the same company that manufactures it for Land Rover, the only difference is that it does not come in a Land Rover box, it will come in that manufacturers box normally, for example Hardy Spicer for U/J's or Lucas for switches. In other words it is an O.E part, Original Equipment.

(P) - This is what is termed as a Pattern, or aftermarket part, it is a copy of a Genuine part, it does not mean it is substandard, just made by someone else, offered as a budget alternative.

Abbreviation Meaning
BKT Bracket
BOT Bottom
BRG Bearing
BS British Standard
BSC British Standard Cycle
BSF British Standard Fine
BSP British Standard Pipe
CAP Capacity
CARB Carburettor
CDL Central Door Locking
CON Control
CONT Control
CSW County Station Wagon
CYL Cylinder
DEF Land Rover Defender models manufactured between 1984 to date.
DIFF Differential
DIS Land Rover Discovery models manufactured between 1989 and 1999
DIS1 Land Rover Discovery models manufactured between 1989 and 1999
DIS11 Land Rover Discovery 11 models manufactured between 1999 and 2004
DIS111 Land Rover Discovery 111 models manufactured between 2005 to date
DISCO Land Rover Discovery models manufactured between 1989 and 1999
DISCO 111 Land Rover Discovery 111 models manufactured between 2005 to date
DISCO11 Land Rover Discovery 11 models manufactured between 1999 and 2004
DISCO2 Land Rover Discovery 11 models manufactured between 1999 and 2004
DSL Diesel
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EFI Electronic Fuel Injection
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
ELEC Electric
ELECT Electric
EU European
EURO European
EXH Exhaust
EXP Expansion
EXPAN Expansion
F/L Land Rover Freelander models manufactured between 1999 and 2005
F/L2 Land Rover Freelander models manufactured between 2006 to date
F/LANDER Land Rover Freelander models manufactured between 1999 and 2005
F-L Land Rover Freelander models manufactured between 1999 and 2005
FL2 Land Rover Freelander models manufactured between 2006 to date
FRT Front
G/BOX Gear Box
G-CAT Range Rover Models manufactured between 2004 to date.
GCC Gulf Cooperation Countries
H/D Heavy Duty
H/DUTY Heavy Duty
HD Heavy Duty
HSG Housing
HTR Heater
IGN Ignition
IMP Imperial
INC Including
IND Indicator
INSTAL Installation
INSTALL Installation
INT Interior
IRD Intermediate Reduction Drive
L/H Left Hand (as seen from the drivers seat)
L/H/F Left Hand Front (as seen from the drivers seat)
L/H/R Left Hand Rear (as seen from the drivers seat)
LH Left Hand (as seen from the drivers seat)
LHD Left Hand Drive
LHF Left Hand Front (as seen from the drivers seat)
LHR Left Hand Rear (as seen from the drivers seat)
LWB Long Wheel Base
M/CYL Master Cylinder
M/SHAFT Mainshaft
MID Middle
MIL Military
MTG Mounting
MY Model Year
N/S Near Side (Left Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
N/S/F Near Side Front (Left Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
N/S/R Near Side Rear (Left Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
NA Normally Asperated
NAS North American Specifications
NEG Negative
NRR New Range Rover Models manufactured between 1994 and 2001
NRR New Range Rover Models manufactured between 1994 and 2001
NRR L322 New Range Rover Models manufactured between 1994 and 2001
NS Near Side (Left Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
NSF Near Side Front (Left Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
NSR Near Side Rear (Left Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
O/PUT Output
O/S Off Side (Right Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
O/S/F Off Side Front (Right Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
O/S/R Off Side Rear (Right Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
OS Off Side (Right Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
OSF Off Side Front (Right Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
OSR Off Side Rear (Right Hand as seen from the drivers seat)
P/FOLD Power Fold
P38 New Range Rover Models manufactured between 1994 and 2001
P38 NRR New Range Rover Models manufactured between 1994 and 2001
PAS Power Assisted Steering
PET Petrol
PFOLD Power Fold
POS Positive
PR Pair
PRESS Pressure
PWR Power
R/H Right Hand (as seen from the drivers seat)
R/H/F Right Hand Front (as seen from the drivers seat)
R/H/R Right Hand Rear (as seen from the drivers seat)
RAD Radiator
RECON Reconditioned
RECOND Reconditioned
REG Regulator
RET Retainer or Retaining
RH Right Hand (as seen from the drivers seat)
RHD Right Hand Drive
RHF Right Hand Front (as seen from the drivers seat)
RHR Right Hand Rear (as seen from the drivers seat)
RHS Right Hand Side
ROW Rest of World
RR Range Rover Classic Models manufactured between 1971 and 1995
RR Rear
RR G-CAT Range Rover Models manufactured between 2004 to date.
RR SPORT Range Rover Sport Models manufactured between 2005 to date
RRC Range Rover Classic Models manufactured between 1971 and 1995
RRS Range Rover Sport Models manufactured between 2005 to date
RRSPORT Range Rover Sport Models manufactured between 2005 to date
RRSPT Range Rover Sport Models manufactured between 2005 to date
S/C Supercharged
S/CHG Supercharged
S/COL Self Colour
S1 Land Rover Series 1 models manufactured between 1948 and 1958
S1/11 Land Rover Series 1 & 11 models manufactured between 1948 and 1972
S1/11/111 Land Rover Series 1 to 111 models manufactured between 1948 and 1985
S11/111 Land Rover Series 11 & 111 models manufactured between 1968 and 1986
S1-11 Land Rover Series 1 & 11 models manufactured between 1948 and 1972
S1-111 Land Rover Series 1 to 111 models manufactured between 1948 and 1985
S11-111 Land Rover Series 11 & 111 models manufactured between 1968 and 1986
S11-11A Land Rover Series 11 & 11A models manufactured between 1968 and 1972
S11A Land Rover Series 11A models manufactured between 1964 and 1972
SC Supercharged
SEP Separator
SPEEDO Speedometer
SPL Spline
SPT Range Rover Sport Models manufactured between 2005 to date
STD Standard
SUSP Suspension
SWB Short Wheel Base
T/BOX Transfer Box
T/D Turbo Diesel
T/DSL Turbo Diesel
TD Turbo Diesel
TEL Telephone
TEMP Temperature
THERM Thermostat
TRANS Transmission
TURBO Turbocharger
U/J Universal Joint
UNC Unified Corse Thread
UNF Unified Fine Thread
VEH Vehicle
VIN Vin or Chassis Number
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VISC Viscous
W/TOW With Towbar
WHIT Whitworth
WIN Window
WIND Window
WO Without
WO/TOW Without Towbar
W/O Without
U/REAR Upper Rear
L/REAR Lower Rear
U/FRONT Upper Front
L/FRONT Lower Front