Land Rover Facebook Groups To Join

photo of land rover groups on facebook groups

Love it or hate it, Facebook has a HUGE Land Rover community. These days, Facebook has largely taken over traditional Q&A online forums. Of course, these still exist but Facebook is there to fill to the gap and make it more accessible to a broader range of people.

There is literally a group out of there for pretty much every Land Rover vehicle you could want to learn about. If there is not one for the specific model you love, there are general ones that cover all Land Rovers. Alternatively, you can start your own! 

These communities are a great place to learn more about your vehicle, share pictures of your latest modifications, or just jointly trash-talk other cars! 

This list is not comprehensive but will certainly give you enough content to scroll until your hearts content. 


General groups

Series & Defender Land Rover

Military Land Rovers

Range Rover



Other Land Rover groups

If we have missed your favourite group, why not drop it in the comments below and let others know? 

Equally, if you have found this page useful, why not share it with a friend? Share the love!

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About Scarlett Mansfield

Scarlett Mansfield works as a freelance marketing strategy consultant at Britcar. She holds a master's in History from the University of Oxford. In the summer of 2018, Scarlett drove a 2002 TD4 Freelander from London to Mongolia and back (17,000 miles) without any conversions/ alterations to her car! Just goes to show what can be done with the motor sat on your drive. To read more visit

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